A+ Solid Foundation Technical and Vocational Schools (Nursery, Primary and Secondary)

We, at A+ School offer supportive and inspirational environments for young enquiring minds to learn and grow with us. Our passion for learning means we achieve more than outstanding results. We strive to build confident and creative thinkers and aim at delivering an education that is truly relevant to their future.

We are an early learning academy focused on social-emotional development and early literacy and numeracy. Our students walk out with the character and confidence to make their mark in the world, equipped with the knowledge and real-world skills that take them way ahead in the industry they may serve.

A+ Solid Foundation Technical and Vocational Schools (Nursery, Primary and Secondary)
Current Enrollments
Qualified Staff
Clubs Activities
Active Members

We aim at inspiring our students to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more in their respective journeys of life.


Computer Laboratory

Curriculum Overview

A+ Solid Foundation Technical and Vocational schools (Nursery, Primary and Secondary) aims at offering all our students a broad and balanced curriculum that provides rewarding and stimulating activities to prepare them for the best social and cultural life.


These provide students with real-world experiences that enrich their understanding of academic concepts and foster practical knowledge.

Fine Arts

These helps the students to nurture creativity and self-expression, enhancing students’ emotional well-being and problem-solving skills.

Standard Class Rooms

These offer a structured and uniform setting that supports effective teaching and learning through reliable facilities and resources for Students.


These provide students with access to a vast array of resources and reference materials, enhancing their research skills and supporting academic growth.


Reliable transportation ensures students can consistently attend school, participate in extracurricular activities, and access educational opportunities.


Learning more modes of communication from different parts of the world.

Our Co-curricular Activities


Our students are passionate about sports and athletics and have the freedom to choose the one they like and wish to take up.

In-house Publications

We have several writers who are encouraged to come up with creations that are regularly published in our in-house magazines.

Clubs / Society

With professionals on board, we take pride in training our students in different clubs  like dance and drama, painting, Catering and more.

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